Earlier this year we wrote about Pinstriped, a handy tool that can make your computer screen look professional just with a click of a mouse. Well, good news everyone, first run of Pinstriped beta is now available for Mac. Windows version is on its way as well!

During the first couple of days after the release Pinstriped has already received some positive feedback and increasing interest among laptop users. No wonder, since Pinstriped helps not only to look presentable but also adds cool personality to your laptop screen and more importantly to your brand.

“We think the potential for Pinstriped is massive. There are a lot of meetings and presentations out there. A lot of companies and individuals who care about their brand, appearance and about looking professional. Our vision is to set a new standard,” shares Thomas Sugar, Pinstriped co-founder.

In light of recent developments Pinstriped’s team has expanded. The company’s founders, Martin Andersen and Thomas Sugar, were joined by two other members who will focus on analytics and online marketing. However, there are still some remaining challenges with regards to development.

“We are still on the lookout for a founding CTO type person. We have a lot of features and improvements in the pipeline and are looking for someone who can take the lead on all development so that we can focus on marketing, sales and business development,” says Thomas Sugar

At this point Pinstriped team is trying to learn as much as possible about their users, test everything to see what actually works and consequently develop a winning businesses formula.

“Curently we are solely focusing on acquiring users and are therefore not charging a subscription. At this point users equal individuals Via them we aim to get into companies and larger corporations. We will then introduce paid business and enterprise versions of the product with features aimed towards them. So basically it’s a classic freemium/enterprise business model,” shares Thomas Sugar.

In the day and age when computers have become a part of both personal and professional lives having something like Pinstriped is really awesome. To join in on the beta testing bonanza sign up via Pinstriped homepage. Because Pinstriped team is aware that meetings and presentations are not exactly the best time to encounter bugs and glitches, they have developed beta version a few steps further than your average minimum viable product.