Another week, another round of exciting lectures, meetups and workshops (especially in Copenhagen!)


Tuesday March 24th
#CPHFTW Sharing Group: CMOS / Marketing / Sales
8:30 am – 10:30 am, @ location tbd
One of the things often commented on by the #cphftw startup community  is the need to share challenges and learn from like-minded people. Therefore we’re launching the sharing groups ultimo March. The purpose is to liberate startup knowledge.Sign up + more information here: Or get in touch with Lærke Ullerup – / +45 53703033″

Azure Speaks Your Language
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm, @ Øredev, 10 Hans Michelsensgatan
The big guys want your business and they’ve got some pretty interesting deals. Here’s a chance to hear what Microsoft has on offer.”Azure Speaks Your Language. Did you know that Azure can run Docker on Linux and deploy Node.js or Clojure applications directly from GitHub?Join us for a session where we explore how to leverage Microsoft Azure in your Cloud solution. Speakers: Hang Ruan – Developer, Architect Jakob Nilsson-Ehle – Developer, Architect
Seminar starts at 16:30 and ends at 18.30 Snacks and drinks will be served from 16:00.”

Future Technologies – Anders Hvid, Singularity University
5:15 pm – 8:30 pm, @ DTU Skylab, Diplomvej Building 373
Free beer at a university? This ought to be popular.”Agenda:- Inspirational talk by Anders Hvid, Singularity University – 4 Pitches of innovative and novel platform technologies – Idea generation workshop based upon the presented technologies – Free beer and networking”

Wednesday March 25th
#CPHFTW Sharing Group: Ceos / Founders
8:30 am – 10:30 am, @ tbd
“One of the things we’ve heard from you (the #cphftw startup community) is the need to share challenges and learn from like-minded people. These sharing groups do precisely that: the purpose is to liberate startup knowledge.

Corporate Structure In Startups
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ CSE Lab, Porcelænshaven 26, 2000 Frederiksberg
Many startups lack an overview of how to go about corporate structure in their start-up. CSE house accountant and Senior Manager at KPMG, Morten Høgh-Petersen, will cover topics including, when to register your company, which tax considerations to be aware of and the key considerations in choosing investors and co-founders.

Thursday March 26th
Innovationsfonden: This is how you get funding! (DANISH)
8:30 am – 10:00 am, @ Founders House, Njalsgade 19D
Come to the information meeting and get tips and tricks on how to apply for funding, and how to budget wisely.

#CPHFTW Sharing Group: Product / Design
8:30 am – 10:30 am, @ location tbd
Same concept, different topic.

Growing Games #1
10:00 am – 4:00 pm, @ PwC, Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup
Interactive Denmark’s long-running workshop series launches it’s fourth season at PwC in Hellerup giving you the chance to mix and mingle with developers, business developers, investors and experts.

SpilBar 24: Meet the industry!
4:30 pm – 8:00 pm, @ DFI – Filmhuset, Gothersgade 55 1123
SpilBar is a bimonthly event, where everyone in or close to the computer games industry can meet and mingle. The meetings always start with a talk and end with a drink. Sign-up strongly recommended.

If You Were An Investor: What Would You Choose As ‘The Best Deal’?
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, @ Accenture, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15
Everyone seems to be getting in on the investor-match event thing. Here’s Accenture’s take. “Ever wonder what it takes to make a good investment decision? Would you like to learn how you can spot those great deals that would make you a successful investor?”

Decoded Fashion Meetup: Copenhagen Launch
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, @ 23, Sortedam Dossering 5D, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark
Decoded Fashion Meetups in New York, London, Milan, etc., explore tech’s role in fashion, retail and beauty. The
first Nordic event is run by EasySize.

F***up Nights #4
6:30 pm – 9:30 pm, @ location tbd
(More details to come. Save the date.)This event series has caught the zeitgeist for self-revelation and is pretty popular. Three or four entrepreneurs usually present: What was their project?, What did they do wrong? and What did they learn?

Friday March 27th
Pro Scrum w Lean Coffee
8:30 am – 10:30 am, @ Microsoft Hellerup, Tuborg Boulevard 12, 2900
These events usually sell out, so book your seat early.They build the agenda the LeanCoffee way, so bring topics to discuss.

Silicon Drinkabout
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ location tbd
Kick it after a hard working week with like-minded spirits.

Saturday March 28th
Django Saturday – Open data edition
11:00 am – 2:00 pm, @ Opbeat, Njalsgade 17A, 3fl
This time they have joined forces with the good people from Virk Data. More info to come…


Monday March 23rd
Workshop – Microsoft Azure Camp for Startups
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
Microsoft wants to tell you about Azure, their “open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform”. You’ll get information about how Microsoft Azure can simply and powerfully handle these and turn your application into a fast, agile and powerful construction with shorter delivery times and secure, stable production environments.

Book Club – Building Microservices by Sam Newman
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
This will be an intro to both the club and the book. Every attendee will get a copy of the book.

Tuesday 24th March
Malmö FrontBox – ReactJS for front-end development
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
FrontBox – pick up & share front-end knowledge.

Thursday March 26th
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
If you need help with the nuts and bolts of your business – go to market, raising capital, expanding internationally – then go.


Tuesday March 24th
Kunskapslunch: ämne ej bestämt än
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm, @ Mindpark, Bredgatan 11
Open discussion around a topic, combined with lunch. The topic has yet to be decided.

OpenLab – Creating stuff (ENG/SWE)
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm, @ CreativeLab Bredgatan 11
No registration needed, just show up and make something cool!

Coder Dojo – Coding for kids (SWE/ENG)
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, @ Mindpark, Bredgatan 11
Learn to code, save the world.

Have we missed anything? Let us know!