In June it is time for the 20th Spilbar event – an event focusing on the gaming sector. It is a bimonthly event, where everyone in or close to the computer games industry can meet and mingle. The meetings always start with a talk and end with a drink. This time it will be a special event, with an open call for talks in advance.

The format used for this event will be microtalk, which in the same way as PechaKucha gives each presenter 20 slides with 20 seconds per slide. A format that usually gives short and to the point talks, but also brings over a lot of personality of the presenter.

Deadline for suggestion of talks is the 28th of May, so hurry up if you want to participate! Submit suggestions here.

SpilBar is initiated by Kristine Ploug from DADIU, and Thomas Vigild from The Danish Game Council (Dansk Spilråd). SpilBar is organized in collaboration with IGDA, Unge Spiludviklere, Spilordningen, and Interactive Denmark.

Where: Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52, 1554 Copenhagen V
When: Tuesday, June 17th from 16:30 to 20:00
More info: here