Three key players in the entrepreneurial support scene, Maisa Dabus, Alexandra Hvalgren and Sanna Kahlström, have gotten together and decided to host a series of after works, called StartupÖl.
StartupÖl is a meeting place for entrepreneurs in the region. Once a month, a StartupÖl event will be hosted. The first three will be in Malmö, then Lund and Helsingborg.
The idea is simple: one hub at a time will host the event, as an after work, inviting the entrepreneurs for beverages and snacks. There will be music, courtesy of a great DJ and a startup session with a couple of pitches.
The first one now will be hosted at Minc, then the following ones at Creative Plot and Mindpark. It will also include a special session on the Malmö startup scene.
Music will be by Ida Edström.
When: 24th september 17.00-20.00
Where: Minc, Malmö
Register: Eventbrite (free)