This is part of the bi-monthly news by the team at Foo Café, the crazy tech event space at Media Evolution City.
There’s more for you this month. Take a couple of minutes to check out what’s on at Foo Café
Coming up this week
Wednesday: Scaling for unpredictable number of users, is an architectural challenge that the technical founder of Telavox
will talk about. Architecture challenges in a case studywhere you have to make sense of 70GB of daily log files.
We are looking for more mentors to teach programming to children. Curious? Come along to Foo Café this Wednesday (any Monday or Wednesday works, we begin at 17.30).
Coming up next week
Monday: Release of Appcelerator Platform 4.0
Tuesday: Can we do it without requirements? (fully booked)
Wednesday: UX of Design
Other special events during May
A new meet-up group about UI has their first gathering on May 21 – The Digital UI – Design for web, apps and other devices.
A full day of FuckUp’s – join us on Fuckup Day where you will learn more from failure than success. We have just launched the agenda with speakers like Hampus Jacobsson, Emma Kronqvist (Head of SVT Mallmö), Liselot Lading (CEO Resultify), and more.
Internet Discovery Day is back on May 27 – if you would like to exhibit your startup or check out new trends, then come along to this event at Chokladfabriken, Bergsgatan 33, Malmö
Other events for entrepreneurs are …
– How to internationalise your startup (May 25)
– Startup Dojo (May 28)
– Accelerate your business (June 16)
And there are many other events on
See you soon
Michael, Carina, Björn and Ebba