With start 2nd of October 2017, we have changed Øresund Startups listing from Angellist to Nordic Tech List. You can reach the startups listing from our site or directly on data.oresundstartups.com

We have teamed up with Nordic Tech List to create this site dedicated to all of the cool startups in the Øresund region. We are really happy to work together to better connect the Øresund region and of course, to show all the great startups we have here in the region.

As with all of the sites linked to the NTL database the Øresund site will be automatically updated when new company data becomes available. So if you detect that your startup is missing, submit it to Nordic Tech List and it will soon appear.

Contact us at info@oresundstartups.com or Howard Rimington at howard@nordictechlist.com if you have any questions.