Does your startup have an interest in expanding to China? Do you wonder what the opportunities in the Chinese tech industry are and what challenges you might meet in the Chinese market?

Nordic-China Startup Forum and Innovation Lab Asia are co-organizing the event “Bridging the Gap – Opportunities for Danish Startups Entering the Chinese Market” which will give you insights, knowledge and confidence for your future expansion in the Chinese market. During the event, China experts will share their knowledge on the trends in technology, real life cases on cultural differences and challenges, and the opportunities for Danish startups.

The attendance is free and you are invited no matter if you are a startup, entrepreneur, student or just interested in China! The event will take place on 1st July in Copenhagen.

In September, NCSF High-Tech Week Competition will take place with your startup having the chance to win a travel sponsorship and tailored programme to meet Chinese investors and venture capitalists in November, 2019.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Patricia Mikkelsen (Head of Nordic-China Startup Forum Copenhagen)
  • Casper Wichmann (China specialist, ThinkChina)
  • Annette Dahl (CEO of C3 Consulting)
  • Jingjing Su (Senior legal consultant at Bech-Bruun)
  • and others!

Read more about the programme and book a ticket here.