This summary is written by Erik Starck, one of the initiators behind Startup Dojo, held at Foo Café the 20th september.

By Erik Starck
The first Startup Dojo ever took place at Foo Cafe last Thursday. The evening started off by one of the hosts, Martin Walfisz, sharing some learnings from his 15 years long career as an entrepreneur. This set the atmosphere for the rest of the evening and was followed by three startup teams sharing their projects and whatever it was that prevented them from taking the next step.

Together, as a group and in the spirit of a lean startup, we helped them find the easiest (cheapest) next step that could verify their assumptions and move them forward towards a business with a proven business model. All of them committed to taking an action that will move them forward.

Our goals as organisers were to nurture the local startup community and help people take the next step by focusing on action. The next Startup Dojo will be 18th October. If you want to help other entrepreneurs, if you want to get started on a startup of your own or if you already have a startup but need a push to take the next step, the Startup Dojo is the place to be. See you there!

Hope to see some of you guys on the next event, October the 18th!