We’re packing April full of interesting seminars and workshops. You’re receiving this Newsletter as you’ve visited one or more Foo Café events. It shows you care about your competence development.
Technical knowledge is important for us. But collaboration is a skill that everybody needs.
Even if you are good at collaboration we all need a boost now and then.
Do something special
April 7
In the evening of April 7 will are hosting a different type of Workshop – “A Work Organization Simulation Game“. We can assure you that this is something special.
April 16
Documentation is another important topic. Get tips and tricks on Documentation and Agile development at our breakfast seminar on April 16.
April 23
We’re starting a new User Group – Drupal. The first meetup will focus on the latest version, V. 8. Even if you don’t work with Drupal it will be a good introduction for you.
Finally, there are lots of other events taking place such as “Thinking Regular Expressions” by Lat55, CopenhagenJS, Ruby Malmö meetup, and much more.
See our website (foocafe.org) for information on the rest of the events!
We will release our latest news on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Be first to see what’s on a Foo Café. Subscribe to our RSS-feed.
See you soon!
Carina, Håkan, Linn and Michael