Hoodin, a startup focusing on digital content curation, has announced they plan put themselves up for Initial Public Offering (IPO) in autumn, according to Rapidus. The stock will be listed at Spotlight Stockmarket (previously called Aktietorget).
“We are doing this to create a liquid stock. To take private capital has been a different option, but we believe that in this way we can scale this process up faster”, says Hoodin’s Chairman Peter Wendell.
The Malmö-based startup is working with processing of digital content from open databases, based on the client’s preferences (keywords, geographic area), so it makes content relevant for each specific customer. Currently Hoodin’s clients include Lund University, Skanetrafiken, Riksbyggen, Lomma Kommun, Tourism in Skåne and others. It provides services in Education, MedTech, Tourism, Digital Services, Real Estate and Festivals/Events.
Just over a year ago, Hoodin had 5 employees, but there will be 12 full-time and 3 part-time employees in autumn. It is part of the Djäkne startup studio. Last time the company did a financing round was in the end of 2016.
CEO Marcus Emne also announced that Hoodin will launch a new monitoring service, called Omni Observer, a media observer that can be tailored for different industries. It will soon be tested in about 30 medical technology companies in Northern Europe.
Another feature of Omni Observer is that the customers themselves can add a monitoring notification on any source and also go in and process the downloaded material. For example, in the case of medical technology companies, the customer may follow patent or clinical trial announcements.
Source: Rapidus