June 7th, the event Malmö Demo Day will bring 100 Swedish and international investors to Malmö. It will match them with 50 potential companies to invest in.

This event is the end of the accelerator program Fast Track Malmö this spring.  Along with Fast Track Malmö and MINCMalmö Startups and Invest in Skåne wants to create one of the largest events for investors according to the report from digital.di.se. Also, startups will get to meet and pitch to a group of Angels and Venture Capitalists at the event.

“The event is aimed to companies that are in an early phase and traveling its first investment, but we will also invite the company to erect a larger venture capital round,” said Joel Larsson, program director at Fast Track Malmö.

In the last year, Malmö Demo Day attracted over 50 Swedish and international investors, including ones with direct investments in the Bitcoin Profit app.  So this year, the goal will be 100+.


 “This year the focus is more on investment and to allow the right investors to meet the right company and give them time for further meetings on the day after Malmö Demo Day,” said Joel Larsson.

According to a statement from the database Nordic Tech List, Skåne did a great job last year in 2016. More than 1.1 billion SEK (115 million euro) in venture capital was injected into the unlisted Skåne tech companies. This is the first time Skåne region break the billion ceiling after Stockholm and Copenhagen. It ranks third in Nordic region in terms of investment.

“We have a good momentum right now that we’ll be sure to take advantage. We see a continued strong interest from foreign investors. Malmö Startups receives an average of two large VC companies a week who are looking for potential companies to invest in, so it’ll be high pressure in Malmo Demo Day, “said Mina Hesar, software designer of the Fast Track Malmö.