A busy week ahead in Copenhagen, with Hackbeat: a 3 night workshop all about music, as well as the meetup for tech organizers under the enthusiastic title ‘Let’s Get Together’ . Enjoy!


Monday January 5th
HackBeat Copenhagen
5:00 pm – 11:00 pm, @ FounderHouse, Njalsgade 19D
HackBeat Copenhagen is a three-night workshop (Jan 5, Jan 26, and Feb 16) about hacking music, playing and prototyping and creating something new. The main focus is on innovation and disrupting current music technology trends. The workshop is 100% user driven, and the outcome could be anything the participants come up with.

Thorium and MSR Energy Copenhagen – Energy Systems vs. Energy Production
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm, @ Niels Bohr Institute’s cafeteria, Blegdamsvej 17-21
Come help solve the world’s energy problems. ” Johannes Jakobi Pedersen, senior energy planner at Forsyning Helsingør, is going to describe existing energy markets in Denmark, active players and taxation system. What is the production price in comparison to how energy prices are expected to develop? What are the potential challenges for new types of energy producers?From this point we can take a discussion towards the potential of the Thorium reactor to be competitive.” Beers afterwards at Søernes Ølbar.

Tuesday January 6th
MINDFIRE – idea pitching and co-founder matchmaking

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm, @ Rocket Labs, Hejrevej 30
Judging by how often we get offered a cup of coffee to hear someone’s idea or get asked for help finding a co-founder, there ought to be plenty of demand for events like these. Rocket Labs has all the necessary startup karma: worth checking out.

Thursday January 8th
Tech Meetup Organizers in Copenhagen – Let’s Get Together
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, @ Cafe Din Nye Ven, Skt. Peders Stræde 34
Finally someone is taking the initiative to try to get the different parts of the tech Meetup to talk to each other. RSVP by sending an email to Lærke (ullerup@cphftw.dk) or signing up for the #cphftw meetup organizers.

Product Management in an Agile Context
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ SensorSix, Hejrevej 30, 2400
The Product Management Meetup proudly announce the visit of Gabriel Steinhardt, Managing Director of Blackblot  from the US, Blackblot’s Managing Director and recognized international technology product management expert, author and lecturer. Gabriel will  do a presentation on “Product Management in an Agile Context”, followed by an open discussion.

Friday January 9th
Silicon Drinkabout
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ location tbd
Kick it after a hard-working week with like-minded spirits!

Saturday 10th
Hackathon #8 (open data edition)
11:00 am – 5:00 pm, @ tbd
The Node.js Meetup has teamed up with Virk.dk (Erhvervsstyrelsen) to host an open government data hackathon. The state has plenty of data. Virk.dk alone has more than 175 data sets available. If you want to get a headstart check out the datasets at virk.dk. Virk.dk will be on hand to answer questions about the datasets and talk open data.

Have we missed anything? Let us know!