Lund-based Flatfrog, that develops alternative multi-touch monitors and tablets, has taken in an investment of 42 mln SEK. The money comes from the owners Sunstone Capital, Finvus and the founder Christer Fåhraeus, according to Rapidus and Di Digital. Flatfrog has previously taken another 42 mln SEK last fall, and according to Christer Fåhraeus the plan is add even more capital in the fourth quarter.
Flatfrog uses InGlass patented technologies for their screens. Instead of making use of a grid of pressure points, Flatfrog uses an approach that measures change of light in the glass when someone presses on the screen. The technology makes it possible to make large screens pressure-sensitive at a lower price.
Flatfrog was founded in 2007 by Christer Fåhraeus and Ola Wassvik. Since the launch the company brought in nearly half a billion in venture capital, including from the processor manufacturer Intel. Company’s offices are located in Lund, Sweden, Taiwan, the US and Korea.