Malmö-based startup Plexian operates within FinTech and is providing mobile wallet systems and digital loyalty programmes.

IKANO Bank’s previous CEO in Russia, Staffan Mattson, and previous Head of Application Development, Per-Anders Eriksson, have become CEO and CTO of Plexian respectively.

The startup is creating personalised communication – they raise focus on customized messages for each client. That is what many supermarket chains have been doing nowadays, and the startup wants to take it even further – by turning clients into fans.

“From my own experience I know that Plexian has an offer with high demand. The traditional model linked to the concept of customer loyalty is changing much and the focus is shifted from transactions to building genuine and honest relations. To offer a loyalty programme is no longer the solution. The future is to be a loyalty company. Plexian works with modern technology and a strategy that is based on an outsourced approach, which introduces solutions that create real value for both partners and users”, says Staffan Mattson.

Source: MyNewsDesk