Moving smart is a must in the world of climate threats, high oil prices, increased urbanization, economic turmoil and whatnot and it is the core topic of Mobility Management. In essence, it is about utilization of infrastructure in a smarter way that allows to reduce expenditures on roads and railways.
“If to look at infrastructure as a hardware Mobility Management is its software. This may involve things like space-efficient traveling by bike instead of a car, traveling at different times of the day (e.g., working first hour at home) or not traveling at all (e.g. working from home one day a week),” says Jesper König, project coordinator at LU Open Innovation Center
Concept24, organized by Lund University Student Innovation Center, challenges students to address this very problem in a 24 hour idea marathon. The theme of the event, ”Mobility Management”, is aligned with Mobility Management Öresund, a conference held on 26th and 27th of March.
“The idea behind student innovation is to come up with challenging and norm-breaking solution to how people use transportation. In this challenge we are bringing together 30 students from 3 cities with totally different backgrounds. The hope is that municipalities, authorities and companies participating in the Mobility Management Öresund conference will get inspired by students’ ideas generated during the Concept 24 and give them a chance to continue working on them,” shares Mattias Kroon, project assistant at LU Open Innovation Center
The competition is open to all different compounds and educational programs and, therefore, will be a unique meeting place. Among other benefits of the event:
- An opportunity to work with students from Lund, Malmö and Copenhagen
- Insightful brainstorming exercise and concept development methodologies
- Interaction and feedback from companies and people involved in infrastructure layout in Lund, Malmö and Copenhagen
- A chance to participate in the big conference and win additional prizes
Application deadline March 17th, event details and application available here.
When: March 21-22
Where: Black Pearl, Scheelevägen 15 A, 223 63 Lund, Sweden