We recently wrote about Bintel’s latest invest round. Now they are in the news again. Their innovation project “Smart waste bins” has successfully achieved its goals, marking a new era for waste management. The 18-month pilot project was a collaboration between SSAM, Bintel and Prezero, funded by the EU program UIA within the framework of Växjö municipality’s innovation project Diaccess.
“The results from the project open up new opportunities to develop the collection from the environmental houses when, from the next turn of the year, the municipalities will also be responsible for recycling materials from all households. With Bintel’s technology, we get new tools to continue our journey up the waste ladder by, together with our customers, increasing recycling and reducing combustible residual waste,”
summarizes Florim Albborn, CEO of SSAM.
The project involved connecting 1,400 waste bins in the environmental rooms of multi-family houses and businesses in Växjö through Wexnet’s LORA network. The waste bins were fitted with Bintel level sensors to collect data. The project’s goals were to optimize existing routes by skipping emptying where possible, making structural changes in the environmental rooms, and testing demand-controlled emptying based on data from each environmental room. The results showed that the AI technology used in the project works effectively in real operations, and the need for collection decreased more than expected, leading to increased efficiency and reduced waste. The success of the project has been attributed to collaboration among stakeholders, with valuable input from drivers at PreZero.
The goal of the project is to improve waste sorting and accelerate the circular transition, ultimately leading to a reduction in the amount of waste sent to incineration. Additionally, the project aligns with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and can help companies achieve their sustainability goals. The project’s success has generated interest from the industry, and the AI technologies scalability bodes well for the future.