Danish media analytics platform Blackwood Seven has received an investment in the double-digit million range from SEED Capital and Vækstfonden, reports Trendsonline.
The funding will be spent on further development of an innovative media platform, the world’s first automated media allocation platform, to work across all media groups. The company’s vision is to give insight and power back to advertisers. The platform will let advertisers plan and execute campaigns, based on performance data.
”It is a world class team. They have, with their platform, the potential of becoming a game changer in the media business. Their product provides great value to their customers, the advertisers. We are very excited that they have chosen us a capital partner and we are looking forward to an exciting collaboration the coming years,” says Niels Vejrup Carlsen, Investment Director in SEED Capital in SEED Capital news
Vækstfonden is impressed by the team and the product, says Ulrik Jørring, Senior Vice President.
“…the management has extensive experience, industry knowledge and supplements each other very well. We are looking forward to follow the company in their quest to challenge the existing media industry,” says Ulrik Jørring, Senior Vice President in Vækstfonden.
The Blackwood Seven team of Carl Erik Kjærsgaard, Christoffer Feilberg, Henrik Busch and Thomas Bertelsen, posses a wide range of competencies in the media and technology industries. Sign up to stay updated about the product.