Jon Hauksson, co-founder of Storytel, decides to step down from operational work in Storytel and now focuses on a career as an angel investor in different startups. Besides, he works on founding a new Malmö-based company in the field of artificial intelligence.

Jon Hauksson founded Storytel 2005, jointly with the current CEO Jonas Tellander. The business then moved to Stockholm and attracted much attention within the cultural world by the acquisition of the well-known publisher Norstedts for SEK 152 million (ca. € 15800,000).

For many years, Jon Hauksson has been working as technical manager of the company. He still owns about 5 percent of Storytel, which currently has a market capital of SEK 3.6 billion (ca. € 400.000.000)

Though, he is leaving the company and now investing in the recently founded Tiotio Invest. So far, he has done some investments in various IT and web-based start-ups. One of them is Elobina in Alnarp, Öresund region.

“I’ve got an extensive experience by working with angel investors during my time at Storytel.” says Jon Hauksson to Rapidus.

Elobina has developed technology to produce textiles and clothes with own designs of customers, which only have to upload a design, such as a family picture, or choose one of those existing on Elobinas site. The software then puzzles patterns of different users, taking into consideration the printer’s requirements. In collaboration with local tailors, including YallaTrappan in Malmö, the fabric can then be sewn up as, for instance, pillowcases, such as a black silk pillowcase, and shirts.

Elobina stations both founders and consultants, who expect to double the sales in the current fiscal year.

In addition to his investment activities, Jon Hauksson also founded Tiotio Labs in Malmö; an IT company that focuses on artificial intelligence.

“I still need some time to land from Storytel, but we plan to start next spring,” Jon Hauksson told Rapidus.