The Eye Tribe, which developes a technology for eye-control of smartphones and tablets, secured a large project together with amongst other LEGO, DTU and Serious Games Interactive. The €3,4M projects called “Eye Tracking for mobile devices”, will span over a 3 years period and is financed in part by the Danish National Advanced Foundation, a government foundation. The foundation will not take any equity in the company, but provide a secure foundation for the involved companies.
“By having partners such as LEGO and Serious Games Interactive we not only prove that eye tracking can be integrated in a mobile device, but we also make sure that we have the necessary use cases to show that the technology is useful.”
The Eye Tribe’s CEO Sune Alstrup Johansen said.
The technology could enable a whole new way for interacting with mobile phones and even computers, and be especially interesting for games – where new IU and UX solutions can lead to entire new types of games.
If you want to read more and see examples of the technology there is a good summary aviable on Android Authority.