Events galore this week: there’s even something in Lund for those of you at the university! Don’t miss out!
Monday April 6th
Ask your nagging questions about Thorium Energy
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, ,@ Cafe, Bar, Frisør, Tattoo, Sortedam Doserringen 81
The alternative energy solutions gang wastes no time getting back to work after the Easter break.”I look forward to meet with all of you first Monday of every month.
Wednesday April 8th
What’s new in ASP.NET 5 (aka vNext)
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, @ Trustpilot, Pilestræde 58
“Evolution or revolution? That’s the question that the developer community has responded with when Microsoft announced the new generation of ASP.NET.
Thursday April 9th
Venture Cup: Protect your idea?
4:15 pm – 7:00 pm, @ DTU Skylab, Diplomvej Building 373
Get feedback from an Intellectual Property Rights expert. “Should you protect your idea before making your company? Want to know if and how you can patent your idea? Awapatent will show you how and DTU PatLib will explain
how they can help. Book a private session with Awapatent if you have specific questions, by mailing your idea to, or
Umbraco – The Grid Edition
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ Eksponent, Gammel Kongevej 3E
“Just a few months ago we released Umbraco 7.2 with the shiny new Grid datatatype. The Umbraco team has gotten a lot of feedback since and loads of improvements have been made since the initial release. We’ve also seen real-life usage of the Grid for live sites in the past few months. One of those examples is John Miller shirts who have released their new site using the Grid extensively. For this MeetUp, Rune from the Umbraco HQ will take us through the Grid in detail and talk about why this new data type is great and how you should use it in future builds for your client. As usual, we will have food and drinks ready.”
#CPHFTW Townhall #5
5:00 pm – 10:00 pm, @ KPH / Københavns Projekthus, 80 Enghavevej 2450
“#CPHFTW Townhall #5 is just around the corner. Whether you want to connect with local investors (BAs/VCs), recruit employees or simply drink a couple of well-deserved beers with your team after a productive day while listening to some kick-ass entrepreneurs – we have it all. NEW: Job wall, Startup demo area, Circles, and VCs/Business angels.Have a question? Reach out to Lærke Ullerup –”
Friday April 10th
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ DARE2mansion, Vermundsgade 13
“THE AWESOME BAR We will create the most awesome Friday Bar the 10th of April. If you join us it will be even more awesome! Boom! More awesome info will come soon. Stay tuned and a huge high five in advance! Cheers Team Awesome! THE AWESOME BAR: 3 Beers – 100 DKK 2 Rocktails – 100 DKK 2 Drinks – 80 DKK 10 Shots – 150 DKK 1 Bottle + Mixer 500 DKK”
Silicon Drinkabout
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, @ location tba
Kick it after a hard working week with like-minded spirits.
Tuesday April 7th
Drupal Skåne Drupal 8 – vad är nytt?
4:30 pm – 7:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
Drupal “is a free and open-sourced content-management framework. Event Language: Swedish
Wednesday April 8th
AW Seminar Lifelogging for insights: Applying data science to user behaviour data
4:30 pm – 7:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
Håkan Jonsson will look at how the Sony Lifelog team use Spark to scale analytics to millions of users, and how they create new features for Lifelog users.
Thursday April 9th
ØSCG meetup – Software Craftsmanship – Why, What, How
4:30 pm – 7:00 pm, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
“This session the Øresund Software Craftsmanship Group will look a bit closer at what the craftsmanship movement is and why it’s important. Tomas Malmsten, the founder of ØSCG, will give us a bit of a background on the movement and the manifesto. He will also talk a bit about which tools he thinks a craftsperson needs in his toolbox. After the break we will discuss craftsmanship in the group, using K-Cards as an aid.”
Tuesday April 7th
OpenLab – Creating stuff (ENG/SWE)
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm, @ CreativeLab Bredgatan 11
No registration needed. Just show up and make something cool.
Coder Dojo – Coding for kids (SWE/ENG)
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, @ Mindpark, Bredgatan 11
Learn to code, save the world.
Thursday April 9th
Makers’ event: Learn programming from scratch – Introduction
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm@ Student Innovation Center at Lund University, Scheelevägen 15A
The event is open only for university students! Have you always wondered how softwares and websites work? Do you want to get a basic understanding of programming and the logics behind it? This workshop is a perfect opportunity for you if you have no earlier programming experience but want to get a grip of this mysterious world!
Have we missed anything? Let us know!