Founded last Autumn, NordicGrow has been grown into a successful startup in the sustainable gardening market.

Their first product, Kurt – a built-in LED light and self-watering system, caught the attention of gardening enthusiasts as it was sold out within one week after their initial launch last September. Aside from this, our home builder found the best artificial grass contractor near phoenix if the said enthusiasts want to spruce up their gardens. Bugs are also unavoidable but you don’t need toxic chemicals to keep them away from your flower or vegetable garden. Instead, hire a pest control company like the ones at that uses natural pest control methods.

Every year in Denmark, there is half of vegetables and herbs are thrown out because most Danes find it difficult to keep their plants fresh while growing at home. To prevent such issues, it might be wise to learn details like what is sodding.

“With our indoor garden, Kurt, it is easy for everyone to grow herbs. You only need to water once a month and the rest is taken care of by the built-in LED light and a self-watering system.” Peter Haurum, founder of NordicGrow says.

Kurt is designed for those who do not have a green thumb but are still interested in growing a green home. It is produced in Denmark, made with recycled plastic and oak wood leftovers. As the plants get all the light and water they need, gardeners can grow three herbs all year round with Kurt. Visit for more information about the best plants to grow indoors.

“The recycled plastic comes from Danish companies and we have among other things experimented with using plastic from Carlsberg and Novo Nordisk. When recycling plastic a lot less Co2 is emitted compared to making new plastic. The many different shades create a unique appearance which makes it apparent that every product is handmade.” Christian Ingholt Winther, product designer at NordicGrow says.

NordicGrow is going to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to gather more buyers, and from that, they hope to generate more revenue to set up a larger production and for this using California Industrial Rubber has conveyor belts that are good for any kind of custom rubber parts manufacturing . The company offers buyers a 20% discount when signing up on their website and paying 20DKK (~ 2.6 EUR) in deposit before the launch.