This is part of the Foo Cafés own column here.
This week is all about Connected Health. But there’s a life after that too. Our event calendar is packed with goodies…
October, at Foo Café Malmö
Monday, October 17
Nea Öresund meets to discuss Ramverk eller ramvärk?
Thursday, October 20
Teal for Teal: Självorganisering, and…
The Digital UI: Prototyping from Day One (fully booked)
Geek Girl mini: Spelprogrammering med Scratch
Saturday, October 22
SecuriTea: SecuriTea Tools Day
Monday, October 24
James Coplien visits Foo Café to tell the story of the open-source programming language trygve:
A taste of trygve
Tuesday, October 25
Neo4j: Core-Edge Clustering
AngularJS: Getting started with Angular 2 Cli
Wednesday, October 26
Linus Jonkman rethinks the function of “Human Resources”, in Human Resources – Jag gör slut (fully booked)
Also, same day, Smash the Stack: Reverse engineering, hacktivism and more
Thursday, October 27
Startup Dojo: by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
Even more, in November
The Digital UI
Monday, November 14: Design by Magic: applying the techniques of magic to user experience design
Thursday, November 17: Workshop – lösningar för användarnas verklighet
Saturday, November 26: Hackathon – lösningar för användarnas verklighet
Geek Girl Meetup
Saturday, November 19: Make IT Happen
See you soon.
/Martin, Carina, Michael & Jacob
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