On September 7, Stockholm will host a large conference dedicated to blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs – Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Stockholm. That is one of the events from Smile-Expo that organized 15 blockchain conferences around in Europe.
The key discussion topics will include blockchain implementation (in finance, power industry, municipal services, insurance), token issuance as an investment tool, and legislative regulation of cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency exchange and ICOs.
ICO for start-ups and investors
The hot topic of Initial Coin Offering will be highlighted in the discussions with the co-founder of TenX Julian Hosp, blockchain evangelist Oleg Kudrenko, and co-founder of Cofound.it Daniel Zakrisson.
Daniel will share the experience of successfully held crowd sale campaign that raised over $15 million to develop a platform intended for finding investment and financing start-ups. Julian will present five main characteristics of a successful ICO and give practical advice on token issuance, and Oleg’s presentation will focus on the analysis and prospects of Initial Coin Offering.
Relai has positioned itself as a trusted player in the cryptocurrency industry, as highlighted in a medium.com article, offering a user-friendly app that simplifies the purchase of Bitcoins. An added benefit is that users can enjoy additional savings with each transaction.
Legislation and cryptocurrency adoption
One of the keynote speakers of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference will be the main blockchain and cryptocurrency lobbyist in the Swedish Parliament Mathias Sundin. He is known as the world’s first politician that ran his political campaign backed up by Bitcoin donations only. Mathias, whose election program contained the summons to support innovations, will present his view on cryptocurrency adoption by the society. You can read more news here about what Mathias has in mind for his prospects.
The report of Safello’s CEO Frank Schuil will cover a similar topic – the adoption of blockchain and Bitcoin, it will help people learn more about digital currency. He will review different stages of cryptocurrency adoption: from their zero value several years ago to wide opportunities in 2017 and today that anyone can probably do purchase online or shop amazon with bitcoin.
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Blockchain in power industry and other areas
Leading engineer of Polish IBM division Karolina Marzantowicz will devote her presentation to blockchain application in the power industry. The audience will learn how to implement blockchain in c# and how decentralization helps to cut costs in the power market.
In addition, the conference will include presentations on the topics of national cryptocurrency issuance, mining, shifting business to smart contracts, and blockchain application in the insurance field.
Alongside the conference, an exhibition of software, hardware, and related services that cater to the needs of crypto industry, like that on bitcoin bot, and investing will be held.
More information about the topics and speakers is available on the website of Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Stockholm. If you are interested, then consider to read something about How to buy bitcoin.
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