Nordic APIs Copenhagen event is approaching! Both startups and established enterprises are realizing that having an API is critical to success. Just as last year Nordic APIs will arrange a half-day conference in Copenhagen about APIs to discuss the business impact, technical best practices and security concerns. It is part of a Nordic tour where Nordic APIs also visits Stockholm, Helsinki and Oslo in a week.

A Wide Range of Presentations

It is an intense half-day at Nordic APIs Copenhagen with 9 presentations from the best in the business. Cathrine Lippert from the Danish Agency for Digitisation will talk about the State of Open Data in Denmark, Ben Nunney from Twilio will speak about the Dangers of Ignoring the API Revolution. There are also presentations about how to use OAuth, the business impact, how to manage APIs and how to work with SDKs. A very interesting line-up!

Promoting women in tech

Andreas Krohn, who is behind the event, also wants to promote more women in the tech sector. To create a more diverse Nordic APIs community they are giving away 5 free tickets for women for each of the events. Mail if you want to claim one of these free tickets.

Different Types of APIs

The event will focus on all kinds of APIs. Public open APIs, like the ones we all know from Twitter and Facebook, are a great marketing opportunity. It allows outside developers be creative with your data and functionality, which can result in both a richer ecosystem and new customers. This has strategy has been used by for example Podio and Spotify.

Partner APIs are only available to a few selected and trusted partners, and is a great way to get started with APIs. Defining an API for partners makes it much quicker to create new partnerships, something that is often critical to the success of a startup.

Private APIs are something only used internally in a company. It is probably the most common type of API in the world and can be used to quickly innovate and adapt to new requirements, like Netflix does when it creates clients for every TV, console and mobile device out there.

All these types of APIs are valuable in different situations. Still the discussion usually focus only on the public APIs since those are the ones everyone sees. At Nordic APIs Copenhagen public, partner and private APIs and how to maximize the value for each kind of API will be discussed.


When: 1st of April 2014
Where: First Hotel Kong Fredrik, Vester Voldgade 25, Copenhagen
Registration: Here