A short message from me, Karsten Deppert, initiator of this site:

With changes happening to Trendsonline and it being closed down, I felt it could be good to give an update on what happens here on this site. I have for 2017 decided to renew oresundstartups and it’s focus – it has been not improved much for the last 1.5 years, it has more or less just continued in it’s previous path. I still see a large need for a media focusing on startups, in english, for the entire region. Bringing international attention here, and bridging (no pun intended) the talent and money in the region. I feel it is a vital part of a good startup ecosystem that a site like this exists, and therefor I would like to make it happen and as good as possible, given the circumstances.

So the next months some things will start to happen, mostly content wise, but also visually. Trying to be a better media / news source.

If you want to help with covering the Copenhagen and Skåne startup scene (and in the long run not just tech, but all kind of new and growing businesses), then let me know. A big obstacle is also funding, so anyone looking into doing collaboration is welcome to get into contact too.