Double demo-day this week, with one in Copenhagen and another in Malmö. The rest of the week will be a host of various lectures and interactive talks, enjoy!


Monday November 24th
Sketch Meetup Copenhagen #2
17:30 – 20:00, @ Founders House, Njalsgade 19 D
Join some of the best designers from the Copenhagen startup scene for a meetup for designers and other good folk interested in the whys and hows of using Sketch App. The theme for the night is “From Sketch To Prototype”.

Tuesday November 25th
C# on a Diet
18:30 – 21:30, @ 60, Frode Jakobsens Plads 4
“Over the years, it has seemed to me that even the most simple development task feels so heavy with C#. It is not the language; it is the complete development experience…” Mads Tjørnelund Toustrup will talk about how to do things differently.

Demodag #24 – The november solder
20:00 – 22:00, @ ITU Designlab, Rued Langgaardsvej 7
Seven-minute demos. No slideshows.  In their own words (translated from the original Danish):”an evening of stuff that works. Short demos, a great audience, and a beer afterwards, maybe”.

Thursday November 27th
Docker Development Workflow
17:30 – 20:30, @ Founders House, Njalsgade 19D
Docker is “an open platform for distributed apps for developers and sysadmins”. There will be three talks:1. Basic development workflow with – Kevin Simper; 2. Mathias Buus on his ‘Docker adventure; ‘3. Bo Gotthardt on Docker at Tradeshift

TShack #9
17:30 – 20:30, @ Tradeshift ApS, Nørregade 36B
It’s time for yet another #tshack. You should be familiar with them by now, because they’re a frequent occurrence. The concept is simple: you bring your computer and they provide everything else. “Idea is nothing, doing is everything!”

Friday November 28th
Silicon Drinkabout

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, location tbd
Kick it after a hardworking week with like-minded spirits

Release Party & ChurchBar
16:00 – 22:00, @ KirkeWeb, Njalsgade 21G
These guys are an underground favorite in the Copenhagen tech scene for having found a completely under-served niche and totally disrupting it.They’re inviting you to a party to celebrate their latest release, their success in Germany, and their international launch.


Monday November 24th
Tools of the Trade: Software Testing
14:00 – 16:00, @ Media Evolution City
This event will focus on how we test our products in a startup. The four speakers are from RankTrail,, Trialbee & TOPP Innovation, Design & Prototyping.

Young Entrepreneurs of Sweden Seminarium
15:00 – 18:00, @ Grant Thornton Djäknegatan 2
Welcome to an interactive seminar with Grant Thornton. There will be lectures, open discussions and the exchange of experiences interspersed with advice and tips from some of the authors of the book “Active ownership the foundation of successful businesses.”

Minc/Talks: Nell Watson – The Jobless Society: Defining yourself in a world without fixed roles
17:00 – 19:00, @ Minc I Sverige AB, Anckargripsgatan 3
Founder & CEO of Poikos, Nell Watson, engineer, entrepreneur, and futurist thinker, will discuss how we can better adapt to the changes currently reshaping our society, and how they will affect our modern lifestyles.

AW Seminar – Success without Requirements Engineering
17:30 – 20:00, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
Showayb Zahda and Baldvin Gislason Bern will share how they do things at Axis Communications and challenge the claim that “requirements engineering is one of the most important phases of any software project life-cycle”. They will talk about how much time they spend on requirements, how many there are, how they manage and share them, and how testing works in a lightweight requirement environment.

Tuesday November 25th
DemoDag #3 – Show anything that works
17:30 – 20:00, @ Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a
Malmö liked the Copenhagen Demodag concept so much, they decided to host their own! The guidelines are as follows: Seven minutes of anything that works. Your product, your open source project, your hack from last night: anything goes, as long as you actually built it.


Tuesday November 25th
Guerilla Office #guerillaoffice (ENG/SWE)
8:00 am – 5:00 pm, @ Mindpark, Bredgatan 11
Show up. Work. It’s that simple.

Wednesday November 26th
Guerilla Office #guerillaoffice (ENG/SWE)
8:00 am – 5:00 pm, @ Mindpark, Bredgatan 11
Show up. Work. It’s that simple.

Have we missed anything? Let us know!