Terms of stock options
This is an opinion piece by Rickard Vernet, investor and legal expert with a long background helping startups. He has a background at Vinge (law firm)…
This is an opinion piece by Rickard Vernet, investor and legal expert with a long background helping startups. He has a background at Vinge (law firm)…
This is a guest post by Nicolaj Højer Nielsen who is an active business angel in the region and beyond. So you want to invest in startups without b…
This is an opinion piece, a respons to the EU AI white paper from the Digital Future for Europe. It does not represent this websites opinions. The Dig…
A few weeks ago at Bits&Pretzels I had the opportunity to participate in a workshop facilitated by Accenture Interactive and bringing together repr…
This is part of the regular updates from the event space FooCafé. Here's the last news from Foo Café Spring 2018. At the end of June we're taking a …
In what other situation in life will you marry at first sight, where you only have had a few lunch meetings to judge if this individual share your valu…
What an experience. The mobile world surely delivered - experience, connections, craziness and emotions. Since returning from the fair the entire team …
A while ago an amazing goal and opportunity were decided upon, forcing the team to work even harder. The question is, have we reached it, now four week…
It’s not about who your parents are, what fancy education you have or how much money you have in the bank. It is about who you are, down to the core. T…
The last two months the team behind Øresund Startups has been working on development of the site in several ways. A lot of things have happened since t…