The Malmö-based Divine Robot managed to double its revenues by investing in VR-market. The company was originally launched by two founders. Now, seventeen employees are stationed at the company as a result of its continuous growth.
“We found out that there is a huge potential in the VR-market, mainly in terms of business-to-business”, says Jaana Nykänen, executive manager at Divine Robot, commenting on their boost within VR-market, to Rapidus.
Nykänen added that there is a big interest in virtual reality, especially in high-risk environments, where it is dangerous and even difficult to move in reality. Nevertheless, a good example in this regard is that Divine Robot has created a stimulated tractor tour, at which it will be possible to drive the tractor and at the same time to measure nitrogen content on the field. The beneficiary is the Norwegian Industrial Group Yara, which is specialized in agriculture chemicals and manure.
“During an Agricultural Fair, the Norwegian Prime Minister tested our VR-model we designed for Yara“, says Jaana Nykänen.
She also added that there is an educational aspect with VR, whereas courses and lectures can be offered through the virtual world.
Although Divine Robot is turning to VR-market, two-thirds of its revenues belong to its traditional software development operations. In this regard, Sony is a big customer at Divine Robot. In 2016, the company gained approximately SEK 6M (ca. € 625000) and is expected to gain about SEK 11M (ca. € 1.145000) in 2017.
Divine Robot was founded in 2009 by Henrik Jönsson and Nils Andreasson. Each of them posses 50% of company assets. The company was originally launched in London and was specialized at the beginning in mobile games, like Blobster, CotBot Farm and CotBot City.
In 2011, the company moved to Malmö, where all its operations are currently carried out.