The Europas Tech Award was held in Berlin, and as we reported earlier there where seven nominations from the Øresund Region.

Unfornutalty none of the nominations won in their respective category, but Everplaces managed to get “highly commended” (2nd place) in their category: Best Social, Mobile or Apps Startup. The winner in that category was ZeeBox, and Everplaces won over other renowed names such as EyeEm, and Jolicloud.

In total the Nordics didn’t fare very well at the awards, with Berlin Startups taking home alot of the prices. The lone, but shining, exception was Niklas Zennström. As co-founder of Skype he recieved the first ever “livetime achievement award” at the Europas and his Venture Fund, Atomico, won in the Best VC of the Year (Company) category.

Apart from that four other nordics took home the “highly commended” place in their category:
Memoto (SE) – in the Lightweight category (Less than 12 months and/or less than €100,000 in funding).
Supercell (FI) – in the Best Heavyweight Startup category (3+ years and/or more than €2m in funding).
Soundrop (NO) – in the Best Culture (Fashion, Art, Music, Media) Startup category
Eric Wahlforss & Alexander Ljung of Soundcloud (SE originally) – in the Best Startup Founder/Co-founders category.

Update: We forgot to mention that Instabridge, from Sweden, won the best Nordic Startup regional Award!