VentureLab, Lund University’s platform to support students in starting their own business, is organizing regular meetings to help young entrepreneurs realise their ideas. It is open for everybody, no matter what you study and how developed your idea is, or even if you don’t even have one yet.

IdéCafé is a collaboration between VentureLab and Student Unions of Faculty of Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities and Theology. Three times per month IdéCafé gathers external lecturers in workshops and gives space for discussing ideas. During the meetings the participants are offered free coffee and a free lunch. Participant number is usually limited to for 40 people.

The lunch activity topics for the two first events in December will be about Idea generation. The third event in the series will focus on the topic “Learn how to speak”.

2/12/2015 – IdéCafé with Humanities and Theology students’ union
Place: LUX between 11-14
Place for a lunch activity: lecture hall B129 at LUX between 12-13

7/12/2915 – IdéCafé with Faculty of Engineering students’ union
Place: Studiecentrum between 11-14
Place for a lunch activity: Studiecentrum between 12-13

16/12/2015 – IdéCafé with the Social Sciences students’ union
Place: Eden between 11-14
Place for a lunch activity: lecture hall 129 at Eden between 12-13

Visit IdéCafé and get inspired to make your idea a reality!