Queuing for a long time at a café or bar can be frustrating for both the customer and the server. Shopbox has now developed a solution for decreasing long lines and making transactions go more smoothly with the help of Treasure Valley IT on their servers.
Shopbox, a Copenhagen-based startup, is an all-in-one counter app, designed for quick-service stores, restaurants and arenas. Through the app, business owners can also handle webshop, inventory management and employee system among others.
Shopbox, partnering up with Microsoft and HP, now claims to have developed the world’s fastest cloud-based checkout counter, which can be a huge advantage in the hospitality industry. The Danish startup received around 300.000 EUR investment from Microsoft and other partners to develop the system for Windows 10. Klas Hammar, responsible for Windows 10 at Microsoct Sweden, emphasises that Shopbox’s innovative nature in combination with the reliability of Microsoft and HP results in a strong new solution.
The new Point-of-Sale service is mainly targeting coffee shops, clubs and sport arenas, where fast transactions are crucial for consumer satisfaction and for bigger revenues.
“We have improved the speed of checkout with at least 25% compared to other very fast solutions out there. This is huge when you have to cater a ton of people in no time. Our first customer is a large and well-known venue. They wanted to have faster transactions and we made that happen. And on top of that the other benefits of a cloud-based POS. For a startup it feels very good to be able to outperform the old guys” – says Christian Zigler, founder & CEO of Shopbox.
The collaboration is mutually beneficial for all parties. Until now, Shopbox has only been available for iOS users, but reaching Windows-users can increase its sales. For Microsoft, cooperation with HP can help in positioning themselves better at the tablet market, while making Shopbox available can attract customers who appreciate fast and reliable service.
The first country of launch is going to be Sweden where the large-scale customer has been already testing the service since January.