From now on secure transactions when buying off things from private individuals are a reality. In the beginning of October Swiftcourt launched a unique service that allows consumers make appeals about their purchases from private parties, stated in company’s press-release on MyNewsDesk.
“Getting ripped off when buying from other people things that are worth a few thousand crowns can be a serious problem for an individual. But virtually no disputes concerning the purchase of less than SEK 100 000 (about 11 000 euro) show up in court because it’s very expensive and will take many months to run the process. And that’s why we offer a completely new solution to address those smaller scaler transactions,” – says Johan Hultgren Hedén, CEO of Swiftcourt.
The concept is simple. A buyer and a seller agree on the details of a purchase and create a purchase agreement on Swiftcourt’s website for a cost of 50 SEK (5 euro). Once both parties have approved the agreement, it is safe to conclude the deal. If one of the parties doesn’t deliver what is promised, it is possible to appeal against the purchase, which doesn’t cost extra. Within 6 weeks since the claim Swiftcourts lawyers make a legally binding decision on the case. This way it becomes possible to avoid a bad deal – something that can make a big difference when making a major purchase such as when buying a car, computer or similar.