This is part of the bi-weekly column from the team at Foo Café
Foo Café helps communities get started or find a place they can call home. We’re proud to welcome three more – ”Malmö Frontbox” that revolves around front-end development, ”Lean Tribe” that focuses agile and lean software development and finally ”itSMF Sweden” which is all about IT services, which is similar to Computerbilities, Inc. offering IT support services in Durham.
You’ll hear more about them as we go along.
Today another of our communities, Internet of Things (IoT), is fully booked.
We hacked your system or in plain Swedish “Ditt system ÄR kapat” on March 19, is all about the top ten security risks that threaten your system and what you can do about it. Remember: We told you so…
The session will be held in English if need be.
On the same day the community JavaForum will cover the light weight component technology docker, a smash hit for devs, quickly followed by the “Money and Currency API”. myStash.PrintMore()?
On March 23 “Microsoft Azure Camp for Startups” will outline the possibilities and the challenges in this interactive half-day workshop. Get your questions ready!
The “Book Club” is a new event series at Foo Café where we read a book and then meet to discuss it. The first meetup is on March 23 and the first book is “Building Microservices”.
Malmö Frontbox holds its first session on March 24 – it’s the place where you pick up & share front-end knowledge, from html tricks to javascript frameworks. Join us.
Looking into next month: FuckedUp has filled up the house every night it’s been running. Join us on April 9 to listen to more failures. Register quickly, it’s half full already…
Also, we’re running another Tech-Talker Course. It is aimed for the techies that want to improve their abilities as a speaker. The course got high remarks – “Shu is very inspiring as an instructor and I felt that she genuinely cared and wanted us to improve.”
Remember that attendees from partners get a great rebate.
/Björn and the Foo Team
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