This is part of the bi-weekly column by Foo Café.

We’re celebrating our 1024th event on May 10.
We will have two speakers from South Africa talking about “Diversity is the magic ingredient of building successful teams“. Come along, it’ll be a blast.

But there are plenty of other opportunities to grow your competence at Foo Café.

Next week

CoderDojo –  we teach kids programming – we have doubled the number of classes and have two classes every Monday and Wednesday.

CELEBRATION OUR 1024th event
Diversity is the magic ingredient of building successful teams

– Esther Derby and Don Grey are visiting us and they will give a talk about “Teamwork in an individual world

Patwic – where we teach young people advanced programming. This takes place every Wednesday.

– MalmöJS monthly event is focusing on Why do we need a front-end build tool?

GeekGirl mini – Girls between 9-16 are welcome.
Pink Programming Sunday (fully booked)

More in May

May 16 – Want to be a better speaker? – Malmö Toastmasters are doing their bi-weekly training session

May 17
Requirements – half day at Lean Tribe Gathering
– SecuriTea – The Top 5 Security Priorities

May 18 – ProductTank meet-up will focus on “Using Data to drive product priorities

May 23 – Motivation 3.0 is here.

May 24 – Teal for Teal’s first meet-up is about “Reinventing Organizations

May 30 – Modernization, the hardest thing you can do in IT?

We have planned events in June. Right now these two are published:

June 1 – Holacrazy – an agile approach to Managing your Organization

June 2 – Startup Dojo

See you soon
Michael, Carina, Martin & Jacob