For a long time there have been thoughts about creating an high-value event, an event that goes deeper then just the regular meet-ups or conferences. Having talked to a lot of people in the startup scene the last couple of years, it now has become time – and on the 14-16th of august there will be a very special startup event.

An island camp

The event will take place on the island of Ven, where we have booked the biggest country inn, that fits 50 people. Besides the setting being special, the event will be an unconference – there is no set agenda, only time-slots, and instead all sessions are decided by the participants. Based on experience from similar events at other places topics will of course be all kind of entrepreneurial related things: management, marketing and funding. However, at events like this deeper discussions emerge as well: work-life balances, raising a family as an entrepreneur and the emotional rollercoaster that being an entrepreneurs is. Not to mention that there is a tendency for philosophical discussions as well: society, the future, and how do we help shape it? Overall, we are expecting discussions that are not the usual ones!

The right people

Because of the unconference setting and the participants making the entire event what it is, the attendees are really important. Therefor the event is mainly invite only – with 40 of the 50 spots on an invite only basis. Attendees include beyond the more regular faces also people not seen as often at events: experienced entrepreneurs such as Erik Byrenius (OnlinePizza / DeliveryHero), Dan Nilsson (Fyndiq,, Jenny Ryhdström (Gents) and business angels such as Tommy Andersen (Libratone, Airtame) Göran Tollstam (Truecaller, Elskling) Joakim Jardenberg (Videoplaza, Planeto). Really proud about that, because besides being do-good people that have achieved a lot, they all have a really open and sharing mindset.

However, it would be a shame to only invite those that have already succeeded. Therefor 10 spots are open to anyone who thinks they would love to be a part of such an event. If you feel you would benefit from being there, you can apply here. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to join, I would actually encourage those that are employees at startups to join just as well – as the knowledge that is shared is of use for anyone involved in a startup, co-founder or not.

Note: the event is not free, it is on a cost-covering basis of around 3000 kr for a ticket.

Looking forward to a fantastic event in august! A big thanks to Mindpark and Think Accelerator who are helping making the event possible.