Danish MovieStarPlanet has reached one hundred million users, half of whom are actively using service on monthly basis, reports TrendsOnline. MovieStarPlanet specializes in the development and marketing of social interactive games for children aged 8 to 15. Through their personal profiles children can create movie star characters to interact with friends, participate in creative competitions and develop their creative skills.
“Reaching 100 million users in four years is a tribute to both company employees and our users for the great content and game features that are created every day,” says MovieStarPlanet’s CEO Claus Lykke Jensen in a released statement.
MovieStarPlanet is also reaching physical world. Along with magazine that is published in collaborations with Egmont, the company has also launched its own brand in 2013 that focuses on selling T-shirts. The clothes is produced by Fibotex and distributed at Name It stores in Denmark. Buying such T-shirt one gets 100 star coins that can be used in online universe of MovieStarPlanet.