Startup 23, the enterprise video platform announced that is has teamed up with the famous Roskilde Festival to make it the “ of music festivals”.
“With 23 Video and the content a festival and cultural institution like Roskilde has, the collaboration aims at becoming a best practice case on how cultural events can be communicated through video online. In this way, cultural experiences are made available, in the same way as knowledge is through” says Monique Schröder from 23.
With a statement like that the ambition is set high. TED has been known for it’s high quality content and talks, especially for it’s diverse mixture of subjects and presenters. Roskilde could in the same way become a digital center for culture – it’s long tradition and impressive and diverse line-up, including such names such as Kraftwerk, Metalica, Queens of the Stone Age and Rihana this year, can definetly bring a collection of really interesting content to the web. Not to mention all the diverse artists and art project that gather at the festival.
“The collabortion with 23 gives us an unique posibility to improve our digital communication to complete new levels” says Christina Bilde, from Roskilde Festival.
For 23 we hope this is a fruitful collaboration, and something that other similar culture-venues are interested in in the future.