23 annouce today a Player Builder, the latest update to 23Video, to make building of video players as easy as building video websites.

Copenhagen based 23 works with ‘visual sharing’, photo and video, with tools for organizational use. The flagship product, 23Video, is used to build video web sites by more than 300 organizations worldwide. Barriers to video development have held back the innovation and creativity needed to create new player experiences, says CEO Ditte Wulff.

“Video players haven’t been evolving with the web, and it had become impossible to create great players that just work everywhere. You had to choose between awkward Flash players or leaving a big group of users behind. Instead, most companies have settled for very simple standard players and didn’t build the player experience they really wanted for their customers or users,” says Ditte Wulff, CEO of 23.

Organisations choose simple standard players instead of integrating their visual identity and designing players for their communication objectives. 23’s ‘Player Builder’, for designers and developers to build HTML5 video players, works everywhere.

“The biggest challenge was to make a single set of tools that would use HTML5 video in modern browsers, oniPads, iPhones, and so on — and to have the same design and code work with Flash and older browsers. What we came up with is a full, open-source player framework and a Player Builder for developers and designers to use. It takes the pain away from thinking outside of the box, and makes sure players just work everywhere, “ says Steffen Tiedemann Christensen, CTO and Co-founder of 23.

A brief summary of Player Builder benefits:

— New player behaviour, outstanding play experience and interaction
— New designs that are built on HTML5 for every device and every screen
— Implementation of a video player is cut down from weeks to hours
— All players work out of the box with 23 Video’s video website CMS, advanced analytics, search engine optimization, and social distribution options

“The story of 23 is about enabling innovation. We see new ideas and applications every day from our customers. People are using our tools for new and exciting things every day. We’re really excited about seeing how our customers, partners, and their designers and developers will start using the player tools for new and extraordinary things,” concludes Ditte Wulff.

Check out all the details of 23 Video player , and the video here.